The team at DeskBeers has the same love of
great craft beers as we do.

We are delighted to be joining forces so we
can bring joy to more offices around the UK.

Now bringing you great Beer, Soda, Cider & Wine.

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Taking the Rebellion overseas


The UK craft beer market continues to expand and the team at DeskBeers is growing to ensure our business customers continue to get access to these great beers, sodas, ciders and wine. Martin has decided to take the discovery of great beers to a new continent. Just like the UK and the US, Canada is going through a craft beer revolution. Whilst the sale of beer is more tightly controlled many breweries are springing up all over the country to sate the beer consumers desire for exciting new brews.

Unfortuately this means that there will be no more consumer deliveries.

However all is not lost, you can still follow Martin’s discovery of new beers.